The CP/M-80 requires 8-bit processors compatible with Intel's
8080, in computers with secondary memory (floppy disks and/or hard
drives). Allows interactive use through a terminal. It has three
main components:
Console Command Processor: Module that dialogues with the user
Basic Disk Operating System:
Core module
Basic Input/Output System:
Module that must be adapted for
each computer
Ener uses CP/M-80 version 2.2, the most successful version on the
market, adapted to Zilog's Z80 processor, a faster version of
the 8080 and with a few more machine instructions.
File names have up to 8 base characters, plus 3 extension
characters, separated by a period. The name can be preceded by the
identification of the floppy disk reader where it is located, which
is in the form of a letter followed by two dots. Ex- A:Name.EXT
Dir A:
See list of files on reader A floppy disk:
REN NewName = OldName
Rename a file
TYPE file
View the contents of the text file "File"
PIP destination = origin
Copy the "source" file to the new
"destination" file